No Spoilers

Part of the fun of this blog is that I am 100% unspoiled from anything that happens when I watch these T.V. shows. You telling me, or hinting at what is going to happen IN ANY WAY (like: "Just wait, Tyler!") will lead me to no other solution but to kill you...or I won't end up liking your favorite show as much as I could because I knew what was going to happen!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

New site! Sorry :(

From now on...all posts are being moved to:


I like the way that site organizes everything better. This is the last move I'll do.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Battlestar Galactica (s01e05): You Can't Go Home Again


Firstly, I was happy to see Hotdog wasn't hurt :P Hahaha! Poor guy. It was nice that he got his recognition though.

The actress that played Starbuck REALLY impressed me. As an actor, I know that it is so hard to pull off lines that your character is saying only to yourself and this entire episode revolved around Starbuck saying lines to herself. Her character kind of strikes me as one that would speak out loud when she was in trouble in order for her to keep her cool, and I think we've seen her do it before so it wasn't awkward or very "hello, audience. This is what I'm thinking." It seemed very natural. Kudos to her. What else has she been in? 

I think this episode truly got into the hearts and minds of Apollo and Adama and I think, as a first time viewer, it's something I really needed. It was nice that the whole "you killed my son" doesn't seem like it will be dragged out for much longer so props to the writers for writing it like that. Very smart. Keep things new and fresh. Since we didn't actually know Zak, it would be hard to believe the storyline when we only have seen Zak for maybe 20 minutes in flashbacks at best. Nor have we seen his relationship with Apollo or Adama. 

The relationship between Adama and Laura I still think is awesome. 

Baltar needs to do something. I'm still trying to figure out what Six is really doing in his head and what her motives behind this are. I want to see Baltar get the warhead and start working on the Cylon detector. That storyline seems pretty intriguing to me.

The stuff on Caprica seems to be the most interesting so far and it connected the most the main storyline this time around. While we learn that a Cylon Raider isn't as machine-like as we thought, we learn that the Cylons are much more human-like psychologically. I expected them to not act so human. I expected the one Cylon to break through the glass wall and give Helo a woopin' but that wasn't what happened. They seemed to be suspicious, much like humans, and they only took out their guns when they thought someone was in the room. This adds a much more interesting dynamic to the show. I also DID NOT SEE the revelation that inside the raider was flesh and almost organic like in nature. Really just got me invested. Theres so much potential!


Battlestar Galactica (s01e04): Act of Contrition


With the opening of this episode, I could tell that it was going to be flashbacks revolving around Starbuck and actually kind of reminded me of the "flashback episode" of Serenity (Out of Gas). How it was all leading up to the main character of the episode got into the strange and dangerous situation they're in. Then we cut to the men celebrating one of the pilot's 1000th landing on the Galactica. Starbuck and Apollo share a cute scene where they are painting the pilot's helmet with red paint, spill the bucket, and Starbuck blames Apollo, through a point of the finger, on Apollo. It's really interesting how the pilot's act around each other. Apollo and Starbuck can be laughing one minute, and then calling each other "sir" the next and holding their hands behind their backs just the same way that Adama will hug Starbuck one minute and speaks like a commander the next. Their dynamics are all interesting to watch. 

It's nice when you see celebrations of different cultures within a sci-fi show because it makes the characters that much more human in a world we don't understand. It gives us insight into the character's minds, culture, all with keeping a creative new thing to entertain the viewer. I loved seeing the pilots partying and having a good time...too bad it was shot down (literally) two minutes before it even started. Poop. 

Now the scene that I had my first emotion reaction to anything involved with the characters lives came from Adama and Starbuck and her confession. Superbly acted on both their parts. The way Adama pursed his lips and almost seemed like he wanted to yell and scream at Starbuck but held it back and his eyes began to well up with sadness as Starbuck continued to confess her mistake. Incredible. I got teary eyed. I can sympathize with both sides in this situation. I understand Adama's rage/sadness and I understand Starbuck's guilt and sadness. It's still amazing that I actually like Starbuck because she is well...likable. I wonder how this will play out with their relationship in future episodes. I don't expect that this storyline will be over anytime soon. 

(holds the record for highest rated episode...I believe)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Battlestar Galactica (S01 E03): Bastille Day


I really enjoyed this episode overall. I liked how in the beginning of the episode the previous episode, Water's, conclusion had a lot to do with the next "story" about something going on with the Galactica: the need for humans to collect the water that was found. 

I'm a little more interested in what Boomer 2 is doing with Helo on Caprica after seeing the conversation between Number Six and the other cylon. Finally it seems as though things are going somewhere. 

The storyline with the prisoners trying to start a revolt was extremely interesting and a creative turn. I only thought about the possible cylon attacks, not attacks from people that were on their own ship (except the cylons). Apollo with his cut off sleeve shirt was sexy :P.

Great part was when Number Six screamed at Baltar to say that he can make that cylon detector. She's scary! I wonder what is going to happen with the nuclear warhead. It doesn't seem like Number Six is using Baltar for evil, which is interesting, but its also rather strange that she would just help him discover who is a Cylon and who isn't so I'm interested to see where this storyline goes. 

I liked that Cally bit off the prisoner's ear that tried to rape her. I liked the blood all over her mouth. It's sad, but she is definitely the weakest actress on the show so far. 

It was a pretty neat twist when Apollo said he would give the prisoner what he wanted. Is he in future episodes? 

The final scene seemed to be a tiny turning point. They've brought up the cancer again that, from my knowledge, has been left untouched and unsaid for quite a few episodes. I was waiting for it to reawaken. I also randomly had a thought of: what if The President was a cylon? That'd really suck.



Battlestar Galactica: (S01 E02) Water


So, the episode opens with Boomer being soaking wet and realizing that 6 or so mini explosives have been left throughout the ship. It was interesting how they did this right after the scene with Boomer in the rain on Caprica with Helo because I actually thought she didn't remember that she TRANSPORTED from Caprica. Only an hour after watching the episode I said, "Oh! It's because the bombs were in the water tank!"

I really do like The President a lot and I want them to touch more on the one general that is an alcoholic more. I have a feeling him measuring how much alcohol he has left means something significant. 

This episode was definitely not as dark as 33 and I actually kinda liked that...even though I like dark. :P It was really a Boomer episode, very serialized. 

From my understanding, towards the end of the episode it seemed like Boomer was SUPPOSED to detonate the bomb that was on her ship and not tell the others that she found water, but she did. Is she fighting back against her cylon ways? This was truly interesting. I also really liked her smirk/serious face at the end of the episode. Does she know she's a Cylon? I personally don't think so but they seemed to hint at that at the end. 

Another thing I enjoyed was the flirtatiousness between Baltar and Starbuck after the game of cards. 

Also, is Helo's story going to move any faster? Seems like a waster of space. Kinda like how in the episode where Spike tells Buffy how he killed slayers there are random shots of Riley trying to kill a nest of vamps and it takes away from the story. That's where Helo is at right now. :P


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Battlestar Galactica (S1 EP01): 33


Oh no!

So the story has begun. We open to find that the Cylons find where the battlestar is every 33 minutes, which is a pretty cool concept. This is the first time I truly, truly felt bad for the crew whenever they showed how sleep deprived they were.

I thought the episode was a little boring for the first 20 or so minutes until they said that that one ship was missing. 

One of my favorite parts of the episode was when Starbuck refused to take her pills and then told Apollo HOW to get a crew member to agree with his wishes (by smacking her on the mouth) and they both just started laughing. It was a light moment in an all around dark, dark episode (I LOVE DARK T.V.). 

So I've decided that Boomer does NOT know she is Cylon. When Starbuck says "it's because she's a Cylon" I thought we would get some reaction from her face. So she's a sleeper. I've decided. 

Now to the part that is truly awesome. When they shoot a civilian ship. I really, really wished they showed people inside of it, but that is just my sick twisted mind there (and I also read they original planned for that and if you look closely there is some movement on the ship). 

The ending was hopeful and it was eh. :P No, just kidding I really enjoyed it. The President's acting is amazing. I feel like the network made them put that ending in their because absolutely nothing was happy in this episode! (Which is how it should be). 

The stuff with Helo on Caprica seemed a little out of place, but I guess they had to get that storyline going somewhere and I am excited to see where that goes with Boomer and everything. 


Battlestar Galactica: The Mini Series - Part 2


Now, I think that this "episode" served as a good ender to the entire mini-series but the first part was much stronger and more intriguing than the second part.

Overall I thought it was good. I don't really have much more to say about the episode as a whole. I really loved the scene with Starbuck and Apollo (do we call him Adama?) when she pushed onto his ship and dragged him to safety and I was surprised that we didn't get to see Helo. I thought he would be back...I guess we save that for the series. I also really liked Starbuck's characterization. I find it really cool that she was dating Apollo's brother and I love how it connected into the father/son drama they have going on right now. 

My personal taste for T.V. is dark, dark, dark. I LOVE dark pieces, and if this show continues to be dark as hell I will really enjoy it. 

One of my other favorite story lines so far is the president. I think she is a fantastic actress and can really pull off the "strong woman" act that she portrays. 

One complaint I have is that sometimes it's a little hard to tell which ship is which and where some characters are (are they on the galactica? Are they not?) It really only happens through the battle scenes. Comparing those to Firefly's I thought they were much easier to follow. Serenity had a much more unique structure and therefore made it easy to recognize in a huge crowd of other space crafts.

Now to the ending and to my questions. 

1. BOOMER! What? DID NOT SEE THAT COMING. I actually didn't expect them to reveal a cylon so early into the show. But I have some questions. Since there are more than one model of each cylon I think that Cylon Boomer may just LOOK like Boomer because at the end I did not think they were on the Galactica. And we already saw that Boomer maybe there's 2 of that is Cylon and one that isn't. Maybe she's a sleeper? I don't know. Because she seemed to care about leaving Helo a lot. But on other hand, #6 really cared about Giaus and she was a Cylon with a plan against the human race from the beginning (by the way, I DO think she put a chip in his brain and she is transferring her info to him.) 

2. The "There are only 12 Cylon Models note that Capt. Adama received. Where is it from? Does it mean there's only 12 models on the ship? 12 models OVERALL (like the human model, robot model, etc.) or only 12 MADE human models? 

It's all very intriguing. Is the first episode exciting? Is it told in a serialized format? Are there shocking endings every episode? Is there a theme song? I'm excited!
